Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Typefull Dynamic API: a typesafe C# facade/adapter/monad with phantom types

One of the things I came up with at home and actually got to implement at work is so useful, and novel to the C# crowd, that I thought I'd share. I call it a Typefull Dynamic API and it looks like an object that changes its public api at design time based on what would be the state of another object at runtime. Impossible? Nope. I'll even show you how you could have came up with it yourself.

The scenario

Imagine the following fictitious method:
public Account Example()
    var account = new Account();
    account.State = UsaState.California;
    PeopleManager.SetAccountPeople(account, 0);
    MemberLevelServiceHelper.SetAccountHolderLevel(account, MemberLevel.Gold);
    new DebtCalculator().CalculateDebt(account);
    NoteAddingSingleton.Instance.AddNote(account, "I'm an example!");
    return account;
It looks like it creates an account, does some setup, and returns it. It's calling a bunch of things from all over the place. I know from experience that I'd have a hard time remembering where everything is and what order to call it in. Some things are on the account, some are singletons, some are helpers and utils - exactly the kind of situation that anyone who's joined a long term project with many other developers is familiar with. If only there was a unified interface for all these subsystems - oh wait - isn't that the definition of the classic Facade pattern?

The patterns

class AccountLifecycleFacade
    public Account RealAccount { get; set; }

    public AccountLifecycleFacade() 
        RealAccount = new Account();

    public void SetState(UsaState state)
        RealAccount.State = state;

    public void Open()

    public void SetAccountPeople(int count)
        PeopleManager.SetAccountPeople(RealAccount, count);

    public void MakeGoldLevel()
        MemberLevelServiceHelper.SetAccountHolderLevel(RealAccount, MemberLevel.Gold);

    /* ... etc ... */
Having this facade lets us work through the lifecycle of an account without worrying about where that functionality is actually implemented; no more trying to remember which helper, manager, singleton, service, utility, or business class to use since we only need to look at one place. With one class for the hi-level functionality, we have a clear api and intellisense will show us what we can do with an account.
public Account FacadeExample()
    var account = new AccountLifecycleFacade();
    account.AddNote("I'm an example!");
    return account.RealAccount;
And since it works with a single account at a time we can make it a wrapper. If we make the wrapper return itself at the end of each method then we'll be able to call it using a fluent interface.
class AccountLifecycleAdapter
    public Account RealAccount { get; set; }

    public AccountLifecycleAdapter(Account account) 
        RealAccount = account;

    public AccountLifecycleAdapter SetState(UsaState state)
        RealAccount.State = state;
        return this;

    public AccountLifecycleAdapter Open()
        return this;
    /* ... etc ... */
And now our example method is a little simpler.
public Account Example()
    var account = new AccountLifecycleAdapter(new Account())
        .AddNote("I'm an example!");

    return account.RealAccount;
That's much easier for me to read, understand, and test. I'm sure this facade/adapter has been done a hundred times before. I see one potential problem though: it looks like some of the methods are only valid at certain times. I'd wager that you can't complete a non-open account and that you really shouldn't add an account to the Closed Account Report until it's closed. We could rely on runtime assertions to verify the preconditions and post conditions of our new Account api, which is a fine idea, but wouldn't it be nice if we could catch this at compile time?

The magic

If the preconditions and postconditions of these methods were expressed in the type system then not only would the compiler stop us from running invalid code, but intellisence would only show the methods that are valid for the account we have. In order for that to work we need to change the type of our AccountLifecycleAdapter to expose the state of the account. For this example, certain things may only be valid when the account is new, opened, completed, or closed and certain things may only be valid for new, bronze, silver, or gold members. Not only do these methods have preconditions based on the status and member level of the account, but they also have postconditions that change the state of the account.

Some preconditions and post conditions of the domain methods.
Open()Status = NewStatus = Open
Complete()Status = OpenStatus = Complete
Close()Status = Open or CompleteStatus = Close
AddToCompletedAccountReport()Status = CompleteStatus is unchanged

Although we can change the state of an object, we can't change its type. Luckily we don't need to since we are returning an AccountLifecycleAdapter with each method: we can return a different type that represents the state of the account and only supports the methods that are valid for that account state.

One possible way is to have a new class for each possible state.
class AccountLifecycleAdapter_NewStatus_NoLevel
    public Account RealAccount { get; set; }
    public AccountLifecycleAdapter_NewStatus_NoLevel(Account account) 
        RealAccount = account;

    public AccountLifecycleAdapter_NewStatus_NoLevel SetState(UsaState state)
        RealAccount.State = state; 
        return this;

    public AccountLifecycleAdapter_OpenStatus_NoLevel Open()
        return new AccountLifecycleAdapter_OpenStatus_NoLevel(RealAccount);

    /* ... etc ... */
This would make sure that the wrapper expresses the state of the account and that only valid methods are called for that account. But it could become a cartesian explosion; this example as 4 statuses and 4 member levels for a total of 16 classes you need to make. Since some things are applicable for several states (like CalculateDebt and Close from our earlier table), they'd need to be implemented in several different wrapper classes. Messy. Fortunately for C# users, the language offers a convenient way out by way of generics and extension methods. Instead of having the class name express the state, we can use a generic type parameter for each run time variable we wish to track; status and member level in this case. A method that creates a copy with the type parameters we want would let us chain the wrapped object along while changing the type parameters.

class AccountLifecycleAdapter<Status, Level>
    public Account RealAccount { get; set; }
    public AccountLifecycleAdapter(Account account)
        RealAccount = account;
  public AccountLifecycleAdapter<NewStatus, NewLevel> SetTypes<NewStatus, NewLevel>()
    return new AccountLifecycleAdapter<NewStatus, NewLevel>(RealAccount);

And a non-generic version will make sure we create the adapter with the correct default type parameters.

public class AccountLifecycleAdapter
  public static AccountLifecycleAdapter<New, NoLevel> New(Account account)
    return new AccountLifecycleAdapter<New, NoLevel>(account);

The methods that used to belong to the wrapper can now be moved into extension methods.

 public static class AccountLifecycleAdapterExtensions 
  public static AccountLifecycleAdapter<New,NoLevel> SetState(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<New,NoLevel> adapter, UsaState state)
         adapter.RealAccount.State = state;
         return adapter.SetTypes<New,NoLevel>();
     public static AccountLifecycleAdapter<Open,L> Open<L>(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<New,L> adapter)
         where L : AccountLevel
         return adapter.SetTypes<Open,L>();
  public static AccountLifecycleAdapter<Open,L> SetAccountPeople<L>(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<Open,L> adapter, int count)
   where L : AccountLevel
         PeopleManager.SetAccountPeople(adapter.RealAccount, count);
         return adapter;

    /* ... etc ... */
If we look at our extension methods then we see something I think is very interesting. With this kind of typefull api, the input parameter type represents the precondition and the return type represents the post condition.
public static AccountLifecycleAdapter<Open,L> Open<L>(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<New,L> adapter) 
    where L : AccountLevel
OpenStatus = NewStatus = Open

Since the valid status is expressed as a precondition and the what the method changes is expressed as the return type, the compiler and intelisense can make sure you only chain methods that make sense. If a method returns an AccountLifecycleAdapter<Open, Silver> then you can't call an extension method that expects a Closed account. Intellesence won't suggest invalid methods and the compiler won't allow them. As an added bonus, changing the preconditions or post conditions in a way that breaks code will prevent a compile instead of lying dormant until discovered, investegated, and fixed during manual or automated testing.

All we need now are the types that represent the runtime state.

The Phantom Types

These types are a little odd in that they are only used for compile time info and we never create instances of them. The Haskell community would call them Phantom Types so we should too.
namespace PhantomTypes
    public abstract class PhantomType {}

    public abstract class AccountStatus : PhantomType {}
    public abstract class New : AccountStatus {}
    public abstract class Open : AccountStatus {}
    public abstract class Completed : AccountStatus {}
    public abstract class Closed : AccountStatus {}

    public abstract class AccountLevel : PhantomType {}
    public abstract class NoLevel : AccountLevel {}
    public abstract class Bronze : AccountLevel {}
    public abstract class Silver : AccountLevel {}
    public abstract class Gold : AccountLevel {}
I like to make it double obvious that these are different than normal types with a separate PhantomType namespace and PhantomType base class.

Since the type parameters are part of the method signature, you can have different overloaded methods for different states. Here we can see that an overdraft will close the account unless it's a gold level account; they just get a warning.
    public AccountLifecycleAdapter<S,GoldLevel> Overdraft<L>(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<S,GoldLevel> adapter)
        where S : AccountStatus
        return adapter.SetTypes<S,GoldLevel>()

    public AccountLifecycleAdapter<Closed,L> Overdraft<S,L>(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<S,L> adapter)
        where S : AccountStatus
        where L : AccountLevel
        return adapter.SetTypes<Closed,L>()
Interfaces can be used if an extension method will work with multiple different phantom types.
  public abstract class AccountStatus : PhantomType {}
  public interface NotNew { }
  public abstract class New : AccountStatus {}
  public abstract class Open : AccountStatus, NotNew {}
  public abstract class Complete : AccountStatus, NotNew {}
  public abstract class Closed : AccountStatus, NotNew {} 
And the method that uses it would add that as a type parameter constraint.
     public static AccountLifecycleAdapter<S,L> AddNote<S,L>(this AccountLifecycleAdapter<S,L> adapter, string note)
         where S : AccountStatus, NotNew
   where L : AccountLevel
   NoteAddingSingleton.Instance.AddNote(adapter.RealAccount, note);
         return adapter;

Where to go from here

A lot more functionality and safety can be added. One idea is to add a check to the adapter's constructor or SetTypes method that asserts the phantom types match the actual run time state. This would let you know if your expectations of what's going on are correct or not.

public void CheckTypes<NewStatus, NewLevel>()
    if (typeof(GoldLevel).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(NewLevel)) && RealAccount.MemberLevel != MemberLevel.Gold)
      throw new InvalidOperationException("expected account member level Gold; got " + RealAccount.MemberLevel);

Another thing the adapter could do is collect all the ancillary objects that get created along the way. That way, once you're done with it you not only have your account, or whatever you were making, but any other related objects and you won't need to query for them.

One idea I haven't tried (yet...) is generating documentation about the system based on the adapter's extension methods. If you think about it, each of these methods is a transition from preconditions to postconditions. Each precondition and postcondition would be a state. You could use reflection, or old fashioned string manipulation, to capture all of the states and transitions within an adapter and create a state transition diagram. In a complex system this could be very useful for explaining the system to new hires, managers, users, other developers, or testers. Speaking of testing, knowing all of the different states transitions would also help ensure you are adequately testing all code paths.

I'm not entirely sure what to call this construct or "pattern". It's sort of the opposite of the State pattern; instead of an object changing behavior at run time, it's exposing a different api at design time. It's sort of like a Builder since you're building an object through a path that's more complex than a simple constructor. It can be a Facade and call other sub systems, but it doesn't have to be. It's also an Adapter since it exposes functionality related to the wrapped object. In my mind, the important thing is that it this is an adapter that only exposes methods that are valid for the run time state of the wrapped object. For now I'm calling this a Typefull Dynamic API but there may be a better name.

The Summary

Using the facade pattern can greatly aid in readability, understandability, and testability of a complex system with many subsystems - that's been known by many people for many years now. Using an object that returns itself in each method makes fluent interfaces possible - that's been known for a few years too. And using the signature of the method to express the preconditions and postconditions and making sure things are only called on object with the correct state has been around for decades, although I think the object oriented crowd has missed out on a lot of this since you can't change the type of an object when its state is changed. Extension methods give C# developers a chance to combine these in a useful way to get something new: a Typefull Dynamic API that changes its public api at design time based on what would be the state of another object at runtime.


  1. Why not just use state machine to define such kind of business logic?

  2. This way allows the compiler to verify that the transition from one state to the other is valid while retaining the traditional object oriented dot notation. In other words; if you view each static method as a transition and the input and output as the beginning and ending state, then it is a type-level state machine. The "type-level" part is what makes this different than a common state machine. Unless you know of another way of having these things checked by the compiler? I'd be interested in other approaches.

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