Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pugnacious Wizards day 7


I didn't have time to do much the last couple days but overall, I'm pretty happy with what I made.

I wanted to focus on magic spells that had multiple effects and traps that are more interesting than the standard "randomly take a trivial amount of damage" that most roguelikes have. I think I did both. Maybe not as much as I had hoped for, but I did both. I also wanted to explain more of the game with an intro that auto-palys and help popups. I think that worked very well.

As far as programming goes, I was able to get animations working - which I've never done before. I also tried putting much of the ai into spells so that the hero and wizards know how to cast them. The magic system wasn't as clean as I wanted, but I tried a few new things with that too. One of the coolest things I did was to make it so the world has a list of functions that it calls each turn. Since anything that has a reference to the world can add to that list, new functionality can be added without changing any existing code. Totally OCP. Much of the traps and magic used this.

As always, any feedback is welcome.

github source

download swf

Update: I played it again after being away for a week and noticed that sometimes the FOV isn't calculated at the right time. I think I fixed it.

Update: I started making a post-7DRL version with better traps, spells, and code. Give it a try at Pugnacious Wizards 2


  1. I brought up a concern with the dungeon layout before, but I think I take it back! Congratulations on finishing up the challenge.

    I think you ended up with a pretty fast-paced roguelike, which is a huge positive in my book. I don't know if you plan on adding more to it, but it still has quite a bit of potential.

    1. Thanks! I think this layout packs the most action into the smallest space - great for single level roguelikes.

  2. I like it! Never finished for now, I've found heal mechanics really good! I'm not sure, but when I move hero toward guards I made damage?

    1. Thanks! There's a couple heal spells and each has their drawbacks. Attacking is your standard bump to attack. Maybe the guards were on fire, stepped a trap, or were hit by flying arrows?

  3. I really like it although in a few dozen tries I've not actually managed to beat it yet (or actually pick up more than one of the three shards). Really fun though.

    How hard to you think it would be to generate the spells dynamically? It seems you already have a system in place that will layer multiple effects, so it seems you could choose 1-3 effects and chain them together. Some would be really great, some not so great. But I think it might be an interesting effect.

    1. I thought about generating spells like that. I'm sure it's possible, but the spells also contain details about how the ai should use it. That part would be harder to generate. Maybe next year....

  4. Very fun game/idea, much more my style than what I've seen so far.

    I may just be picky or ignorant, but is there a way to see my damage or at least enemy health? Also, animations go by a good deal too quick for me to appreciate them as much as I know they deserve (hard to see the behavior of magic missile as an example).

    1. Nope. This game doesn't give much details about how much damage you do or how much health is remaining. I wanted to move away from that.

      I wasn't sure how to make the animations slow enough to see but fast enough to not slow you down when playing. I didn't quite hit the mark on that. I'll spend more time on that on my next roguelike project.

  5. It has surely been initiated with possible guides and concerning prospects which are indeed said to be of utmost importance and the value to follow out.

  6. I really like how you implemented multiple effects for magic spells.
